Once again my Soul has invited me on a passionate search, a dance if you will. My Soul has already led me to a wonderful group of women - all members of the Goddess Circle. Goddess Leonie from Australia is one of the most passionate women I have met in my life. Now, of course I haven't actually met her...but I feel I have. She has many videos and even her own Goddess TV Channel on the internet. She is bubbly and bursting full of love, happiness, passion and creativity. She leads this group of women (over 20,000) through ecourses on creativity, motherhood, meditation, and on how to find time for yourself. As women, we take care of others first and leave ourselves last. The Goddess Circle is all about following a passionate way of life to find the Goddess within you. There is a chat room, and several area forums to connect with Goddesses around the world. She even has a Pen Pal list for those that want to connect with snail mail.
The women that belong in the Goddess Circle are like many women. Many have jobs, kids, are married, are creative and are searching for something "more" in their lives. This time for themselves is carved out of a very busy day. For instance, I find my time for my creative self throughout the day. On a weekday it may be writing poetry in the morning on the bus, writing poetry or reading at lunch, editing poetry or reading on the train ride home. When I get home in the evening I just relax (or at least try to).
Raise your glass in salute and toast the passionate Souls in your life.